Vader IT Consulting

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Owner/Operator - Brandon Vader

I've been a tech enthusiast from the start and love passing along new information about technology to anyone who will listen. I've been in the Gunnison valley most of my life and chair the Gunnison Car Club. I have a son who means the world to me and there's nothing better than spending time with him. I'm also an avid motorcyclist, an amateur photographer, and I'm working on getting my amateur radio operator license.


I've worked on computers professionally since 2005. I've owned and operated another successful computer repair service previously, before selling it and working 9-5 for a local internet provider. I currently work 8-5 for a large company in the valley in their IT department. As such I specialize in the after-hours and weekend work which other providers are unwilling to pick up.


Although much of my technique and knowledge comes from actively seeking out information, and trying new things in the lab; I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science Specializing in Computer Programming in 2018.